This is a very simple web page. Save it to your local computer and look at it in your editor such as notepad or bbedit lite. It has a companion page called blank_page.html. Follow the link to that page and save it also.
This page contains deliminated paragraphs. A link to a picture and a link to another page. HTML tags are set off from contents by the less-than < and greater-than > symbols.
Most HTML tags have an opening and a closing tag.
So the tag for the beginning of a paragraph is <p > and the end of the paragraph is < /p >
Replace this text with your paragraph. Paragraphs are bounded with the opening and closing paragraph tags.
Use form of a link to display a picture.
Images do not have closing tags.
This is a link to a blank page
that you can edit with a plain text editor such as bbedit
for the Mac, notepad under Windows, nedit, vim, emacs under Linux. A link between pages at the same web site has the form:
< a href="insert_page_name_here.html >
what a link to another page looks like </a>
Links have opening and closing link tags.