How to make a set of "Slide Show" pages"

You can use the set of three pages here as a first html project.
Make a linked set of pages which can be a slide show or a set of illustrated instructions.
Save the pages below by right clicking on the link with your mouse and using the "Save Link As" option to put them in a project folder:

  1. Sample First Page - to be renamed as index.html
  2. Sample Middle Page - to be renamed as 2nd.html
    Later Middle Pages - will be renamed as 3rd.html (#next_page_number.html), etc.
  3. Last Middle Page - to be renamed as #last_page_number.html
    You may choose to name the pages something else. It is best to have no spaces in the names: use underscores instead. Case is important in html file names so I suggest using all lower case.
Collect your images into a single subdirectory and make a list of their file names.
First make a list of the "slides" in your presentation.
Compose your descriptive paragraphs for each page. You can separate paragraphs on any one page by using:
< br >

To add content to a page:

Paste the file name of the NEXT page over the "#next_page_name" item

Paste the file name of the PREVIOUS page over the "#previous_page_name" item

Paste the filename of your picture for this page over #complete_image_name_here.

Paste your paragraph(s) of description over;
##put the description or instructions description here
Remember you can separate paragraphs with < br >
Start your browser and use the menu item File>Open File to find the folder where you have placed your pages. You may have to chose the index.html page.
You can also use the auto forwarding feature discussed in the lesson how to up an auto forwarding page to make an automatic slide show. You will need to set the pause time to a longer interval than in the sample.
The pause time is set by the number in the part of the meta refresh tag: content="digit;
Further basic html lessons are at BATW HTML Lessons

This is part of a set of HTML lessons from and Bonnie Dalzell [bdalzell at Q I S dot net].

This is part of a set of HTML lessons from and Bonnie Dalzell [bdalzell at Q I S dot net].

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