by Bonnie Dalzell, MA

Main articles:
  1. Color Blindness and Usability on the Web
  2. Table showing how colors appear to red-green color blind people
  3. Site Design Tips
  4. Introduction to Web Page Construction: example page for simple HTML
  5. A example of a simple page to study and modify
  6. A table showing the hex values of colors for web pages
  7. Learning by examining a page with many errors
  8. A very simple, sample index.html page
  9. A sample index.html page with simple table formatting with discussion of the HTML
  10. Server Side Includes - the solution to managing your footer on different pages
  11. Set up an auto forwarding page
  12. Lesson for making a Slide Show or set of linked instructional pages
  13. Putting information in your hypertext links
Files in this section:
  1. badlayout.html
  2. A Blank HTML Document
  3. Basic first page for slideshow
  4. Basic middle page for slideshow
  5. Basic last page for slideshow
  6. Example page
  7. Place holder page
  8. Simple page
Sample graphic files - you can download them to a subdirectory if you wish to experiment with page editing. Some of these will be used in future lessons.
  1. Background.jpg
  2. BackgroundMirrored.jpg
  3. Bar_400_20.jpg
  4. BorderLeft-25-1500_100.jpg
  5. BorderLeft500_100.jpg
  6. BorderLeftDecor100_100.jpg
  7. BorderLeftDecor100_300.jpg
  8. BorderRight500_100.jpg
  9. BorderRightDecor100_100.jpg
  10. BorderRightDecor100_300.jpg
  11. BusyBackground.jpg
  12. Button-1_100_50.jpg
  13. Button2_100_50.jpg
  14. Button3_100_50.jpg
  15. ButtonBack_100_50.jpg
  16. ButtonEMail_100_50.jpg
  17. ButtonHome_100_50.jpg
  18. ButtonLogo_150_150.jpg
  19. ButtonNext_100_50.jpg
  20. Cat.gif
  21. Cat.jpg
  22. Cat25.jpg
  23. Cat50.jpg
  24. Cat85.jpg
  25. CatFloating.gif
  26. CluelessGraphix.gif
  27. CluelessGraphix100_75.gif
  28. CluelessGraphix150_112.gif
  29. HG-Iris.jpg
  30. HG-Iris263_300.jpg
  31. HG-Iris526_600.jpg
  32. HG-Iris250_300.gif
  33. HG-Iris263_300.gif
  34. Small-2_25_25.jpg
  35. Small_25_25.jpg
  36. TransparantBackground.gif
  37. VertDecorBar_50_250.jpg
  38. Welcome100_50.jpg

This is part of a set of HTML lessons from and Bonnie Dalzell [bdalzell at Q I S dot net].

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17 year Cicada Pages Bonnie Dalzell Art
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